在ArchSummit深圳2018大会上,James Wu 讲师做了《谷歌云全球分布式系统架构设计在游戏产业的实践》主题演讲,主要内容如下。
通过介绍 Google Cloud 的强大基础设施以及游戏公司的最佳实践,让听众了解如何运用 Google Cloud 所提供的集成服务,四两拨千斤地应付全球网络连线,海量数据处理,机器学习,以及运营优化等议题。
Google Cloud 基础介绍;
不只是个云平台 (运营层面的助益)。
James Wu
Google Cloud Customer Engineer
James enjoys solving complex technical problems and believes in improving life through technology and coffee… He builds tools, demos, architecture and other things to make the Google Cloud Platform easier and more fun to use. Originally from Taiwan, then lived and worked in Taipei, Beijing, Shanghai, and now in Hong Kong.
He is currently doing a solution engineering role at Google, focusing on the Greater China Region. In his previous work experiences, he worked as the developer at Yahoo!, R&D manager at Cheetah & HTC, Solutions Architect at Amazon.
James 在 Google Cloud 担任客户顾问,通过提供创新型的工具、架构及解决方案,让 GCP 的使用更加便捷及有趣。在加入 Google 前,James 曾在 Yhaoo!, Cheetah & HTC 及 Amazon 任职。
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