InfoQ 记者今天在 Reddit 上看到了一则热门帖子:俄勒冈州监狱因为安全问题,禁止囚犯阅读包括 Python、C++、Windows 10、区块链技术、iOS 开发入门在内的数十种编程语言类书籍和技术入门类书籍。这篇新闻引发很多人的争议:为什么这样的书籍会成为监狱中的禁书呢?他们对监狱安全带来了什么隐患?
这篇新闻来自 Salem Reporter 的报道,近期,俄勒冈州监狱给 Salem Reporter 提供了一份禁止囚犯阅读的书籍名单,名单中有 1600 本书,其中包括 Python、C++、Windows 10、区块链技术、iOS 开发入门在内的数十种编程语言类书籍和技术入门类书籍,都成为了名单中的禁书。这些技术类书籍由一个三人组成的信息技术工作者委员会进行审查。
据 DOC 发言人 Jennifer Black 介绍,”在过去三年里,俄勒冈州的监狱已经审查了超过 65,000 本邮寄给囚犯的书籍。“这么看来,禁书其实占有比例并不高,编程类和技术类书籍占有比例肯定就更低了,但是像《Windows 10 for Dummies》、《Python Programming》这样的书都要被禁,是不是有点太令人奇怪了?
一位叫 Andy Rathbone 的囚犯表示:”我想看的这本《Windows 10 for Dummies》不会带来安全风险吧?这些书不就是给那些对网络和计算机有兴趣的普通人写的吗?“
对此一名监狱官员也补充:”这个禁书名单不会把重点指向技术书籍的,与此相反,我们允许在押人员拥有计算机访问权,他们甚至可以拥有个人的 USB,允许他们存储大学论文或法律诉状,并在计算机之间传输。当然,监狱内的教室还有联网的电脑。“
那为什么像《Windows 10 for Dummies》这样的书,不能让囚犯们看呢?Jennifer Black 说,这是因为这本书里介绍的三个知识:如何查找计算机设备规格、如何设置多个帐户密码和如何设置网络,可能会对安全带来威胁。”随着出版物越来越多,我们有时候只能采取更加保守的方式来进行限制了,也就是宁可信其有不可信其无。“
Black Hat Python - Justin Seitz
Python In Easy Steps - Mike Mcgrath
Python Programming - Brian Draper
Python Programming For Beginners - Chris Sebastian
Basic Basic: An Introduction To Computer Programming In Basic Language - James S. Coan
C++ For Dummies - Stephen R Davis
C++ Primer - Stanley B. Lippman, Josee Lajoie, Barbara E. Moo
C++ Programming - Mike McGrath
Fundamentals Of C++ Understanding Programming And Problem Solving - Kenneth
Android Programming The Big Nerd Ranch Guide - Bill Phillips and Brian Hardy
Assembly Language Step By Step: Programming With Linux - Jeff Duntemann
Beginning iOS Programming For Dummies - Rajiv Ramnath
Windows 类:
Excel 2000 For Windows For Dummies
Microsoft Windows 10 Anniversary Update - Paul McFedries
Teach Yourself Visually Microsoft Windows 10 - Paul McFedries
Windows 10 For Dummies - Andy Rathbone
Windows 10 For Seniors And Beginners - Keith Johnson
Windows 10 For Seniors For Dummies - Peter Weverka
Windows 7 All In One For Dummies - Woody Leonhard
Windows 7 In Easy Steps - Michael Price
Windows 7 The Missing Manual - David Pogue
Windows 8 For Tablets For Dummies - Andy Rathbone
Blockchain - Mark Gates
Blockchain Revolution - Don Tapscott and Alex Tapscott
Blockchain Technology Explained - Alan T. Norman
Blockchain: the Blockchain For Beginners - Nicholas Brown
Excel 类:
Excel 2000 Functions In Practice - Patrick Blattner
Excel 2013: The Basics - Luther M. Maddy
Microsoft Excel 2000 Formulas - John Walkenbach
Microsoft Excel 2016 For Dummies - Greg Harvey
CompTIA Network Plus Certification - Mike Meyers
Computer Forensics Infosec Pro Guide - David Cowen
Computer Networking 6th Edition - Kurose & Ross
Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing For Performance - William Stallings Computer Programming Module 2 Stratford Career Institute Information W
Computer Science - J. Glenn Brookshear
Computer Science Distilled - Wladston Ferreira Filho
Computer Science Handbook - Allen Tuckerhead
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