在ArchSummit深圳2018大会上,Lin Sun 讲师做了《Istio-构造、守护、监控微服务的守护神 (英语演讲)》主题演讲,主要内容如下。
Istio - Weaving, Securing and Observing microservices
With the rapid adoption of microservices, Istio has become the de facto framework to load-balance, route, secure and monitor the traffic that flows between microservices. Istio provides a common networking, security, policy and telemetry substrate for services that we call a ‘Service-Mesh’. Come learn how the service-mesh helps with the transition to microservices, to empower operations teams, to adopt security best-practices and much more. We’ll also cover the state and ecosystem of the project, where it’s headed and how you can get involved.
Istio 作为用于微服务服务聚合层管理的新锐项目,是 Google、IBM、Lyft 首个共同联合开源的项目,提供了统一的连接,安全,管理和监控微服务的方案。Istio 将流量管理添加到微服务中,并为增值功能(如安全性,监控,路由,连接管理和策略)创造了基础,称之为 Service-Mesh(服务网格)。这次演讲,会讲解 Service-Mesh 如何帮助微服务项目进行过渡的,如何授权给运维团队的,如何采用安全的最佳实践等等。同时也会分享 Istio 项目的进展和生态效果。
What is service mesh?
Introduce Istio, its architecture and components
Recommended Incremental adoption of Istio and user cases
Istio latest release update
Istio Community: how to get involved?
什么是 Service-Mesh
介绍 Istio 架构,以及组件
正在广泛使用 Istio 的用户案例分享
Istio 版本最新更新情况
如何加入 Istio 社区
Lin Sun
IBM Senior Technical Staff Member
Lin is a core contributor and maintainer on Istio. She is passionate about new technologies and love to play with them. She is a master inventor, currently, holds 100+ patents filed or pending with USPTO along with hundreds of articles published at IP.com.
Lin 是 Istio 项目的核心贡献者和维护者,对于新技术有很浓厚的热情,并且愿意投身其中,同时也是一个技术能力很强的发明者,目前拥有 100 多个包括待批的专利,并且在 IP.com 网站上发布上百篇文章。
Lin Sun 的采访内容见《微服务守护神 Istio:关于 1.0 版本以及性能优化》

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