在QCon北京2018大会上,Mete Atamel 讲师做了《借助 Istio,不再重复发明轮子》主题演讲,主要内容如下。
容器为运行服务提供了一致、可复制的环境。如 Kubernetes 等容器编排(Orchestration)系统,可以用一致的 API,帮助我们管理和伸缩容器集群。对于松散耦合的微服务架构而言,这是很好的起点,不过还不够。如何控制服务间的流量和实施策略?如何将服务间的依赖可视化,并快速识别问题?如何提供可验证的服务特性,来处理和测试故障?开发者可以实现自己的定制方案,也可以依赖 Istio 这一开放平台来连接和管理微服务,并保障安全。在本次演讲中,我们将学习 Istio 的主要特性,并理解其对微服务网络的助力作用。
Containers provide a consistent and reproducible environment to run our services. Orchestration systems like Kubernetes help us to manage and scale our container cluster with a consistent API. This is a good start for a loosely coupled microservices architecture but it is not enough. How do you control the flow of traffic and enforce policies between services? How do you visualize service dependencies and quickly identify issues? How can you provide verifiable service identities, handle and test for failures? You can implement your own custom solutions or you can rely on Istio, an open platform to connect, manage and secure microservices. In this talk, we will take a look at some of the key capabilities of Istio and see how it can help with your microservices network.
Mete Atamel
Google Developer Advocate
Mete Atamel 是 Google 的开发者布道师,主要负责帮助开发者使用 Google 云平台。他有多年 Java 开发经验,近年也使用 C#,热衷对比两大平台。在加入 Google 之前,他曾在 Microsoft、Skype、Adobe、EMC 和 Nokia 参与构建应用和服务,涉及 Web、移动和云等平台。
Mete is a Developer Advocate at Google, currently focused on helping developers with Google Cloud Platform. As a long-time Java and a recent C# developer, he likes to compare the two ecosystems. Prior to Google, he worked at Microsoft, Skype, Adobe, EMC, and Nokia building apps and services on various web, mobile and cloud platforms. Originally from Cyprus, he currently lives in Greenwich, not too far away from the prime meridian.

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