在QCon上海2018大会上,Julien Viet 讲师做了《从 HTTP 性能基准测试谈 Vert.x 高性能的秘密:从 JIT 编译到网络优化(英文演讲)》主题演讲,主要内容如下。
The Techempower Framework Benchmark is a public comparison of more than 200 web frameworks in different languages. The competition is fierce and everyone wants to be ranked in the top!
Eclipse Vert.x is a popular reactive stack for the JVM, designed for highly scalable applications and has taken part in this competition for several years.
Performance benchmarks are often used for comparing HTTP server or web frameworks and often used by people to choose between implementations. We will look at what these benchmarks means and what they actually measure.
The presentation will explain the secret sauce powering Vert.x performance that has a direct impact on this benchmark, from Java just-in-time compiler to networking optimizations.
Techempower 框架基准测试比较了 200 多个不同语言编写的 Web 框架。竞争非常激烈,大家都希望名列前茅。
Eclipse Vert.x 是 JVM 上一个流行的响应式软件栈,为编写高度可伸缩的应用而设计,它加入 Techempower 框架对比也有几年时间了。
性能基准测试通常用于比较 HTTP 服务器或 Web 框架,供人们在不同实现之间做选择时参考。我们一起看看这些基准测试的意义,以及实际是如何测量的。
演讲将介绍 Vert.x 性能如此之高、在基准测试中名列前茅的秘密,内容涉及 Java JIT 编译器到网络优化等不同内容。
Julien Viet
Red Hat 首席软件工程师
Julien Viet 是 Vert.x 项目负责人,目前就职于 Red Hat,任首席软件工程师。Julien 从 2002 年开始开发开源软件。
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