在QCon北京2018大会上,Roman Elizarov 讲师做了《基于 Kotlin 协程实现异步编程》主题演讲,主要内容如下。
开发者越来越关注异步编程。现代软件系统都互相连接,保持通信。很多编程语言都加入了某种形式的异步支持,如 async/await。不过 Kotlin 用协程(coroutine)新颖地解决了这个问题。
我们一起看看基于 futures/promises 的传统 async/await 方式存在的问题,解释 Kotlin 基于 coroutine 和 continuation 概念提供的解决方案,从而了解为什么说 Kotlin 的编程模型更安全、更容易。
Asynchronous programming is on the rise. Modern software systems are connected and constantly communicating. Programming languages are adding some form of asynchronous programming like async/await. However, Kotlin had taken a fresh approach to this problem with Kotlin Coroutines.
In this talk, we’ll study various approaches to asynchronous programming, their evolution, differences and similarities. We’ll see the problem with the traditional async/await approach that is based on futures/promises and how the Kotlin’s solution that is based on concepts of coroutines and continuations is giving us safer and easier programming model.
Roman Elizarov
JetBrains 工程师,Kotlin 开发团队成员
Roman Elizarov 有超过 16 年的职业软件开发经验。曾就职于 Devexperts,负责为领先的经纪公司设计和开发高性能交易软件。
他也是 Java 和 JVM 专家,擅长并发、实时数据处理、算法和现代架构的性能优化。Roman 目前在 JetBrains 参与 Kotlin 语言的开发。
Roman 于 2000 年毕业于圣彼得堡信息技术、机械与光学大学(ITMO)。现在也在该校开设了一门并发和分布式系统编程的课程。他在大学期间开始参与 ACM 国际大学生程序设计竞赛(ICPC)。从 1997 年到现在,他一直是 ICPC 欧洲东部和北部地区预赛的主裁判之一。
Roman Elizarov is a professional software developer with more than 16 years of experience. He had started his career at Devexperts, where he designed and developed high-performance trading software for leading brokerage firms and market data delivery services that routinely handle millions of events per second. He is an expert in Java and JVM, particularly in concurrency, real-time data processing, algorithms and performance optimizations for modern architectures. Roman currently works on Kotlin language at JetBrains. In 2000 Roman had graduated from St. Petersburg ITMO. He now teaches a course on concurrent and distributed programming in ITMO. During his undergraduate study he participated at ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC). Since 1997 and until now Roman serves as a Chief Judge of Northeastern European Regional Programming Contest (NEERC) of ICPC.
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