SkyWalking 开源项目由吴晟,2015 年创建,同年10 月在GitHub 上作为个人项目开源。SkyWalking 项目的核心目标,是针对微服务、Cloud Native、容器化架构,提供应用性能监控和分布式调用链追踪能力。
两年的时间,SkyWalking 保持中立、开放、合作的开源社区合作理念,在各位PMC 成员(吴晟、彭勇升、张鑫)、Committer(高洪涛、柏杨)、Contributor 共同努力下;在多家大型商业公司(华为软件开发云、天源迪科、当当网、京东金融等)的大力支持下,一步一步成长起来。
2017 年 11 月,SkyWalking 社区正式决定,寻求加入 Apache 基金会,希望能使项目成为更为开放、全球化和强大的 APM 开源产品,并加强来自社区的合作和交流。最终实现构建一款功能强大、简单易用的开源 APM 产品。
来自中国的 Apache 项目往往出自大型企业,而 SkyWalking 是一个从个人小项目慢慢演进,逐步提高的开源项目。截止目前,我们依然有很多能力需要完善。进入 Apache 孵化器,对 SkyWalking 来说,是新征程的开始。
“SkyWalking came onto to the distributed tracing scene in 2015,
challenging existing solutions in its ability to automatically
instrument applications. Instrumentation is unquestionably the most
time-consuming part of establishing a distributed tracing solution
into an existing platform. I got to code with some of the SkyWalking
community earlier on in the OpenTracing java library and could see the
quality being invested back them. Recently SkyWalking reached out
looking for mentors and a champion to help them create a proposal to
become an Apache project. Apart from being honored and excited at the
opportunity to bring the project in as a podling into the Apache
Incubator, I was pleasantly surprised to see how prepared, and
ASF-like, the SkyWalking community and project had already become.
Creating the proposal and getting it voted positively on was a
remarkably easy task. Apache SkyWalking now becomes an even more
promising offering in the distributed tracing space, and continues
Apache’s embrace of Chinese open source communities in the shadows of
Apache Kylin and Luke Han. ”
—— Mick Semb Wever, Apache Member
“I’ve followed SkyWalking since discovering it a year or two ago.
Joining the ASF is a good turn for an already collaborative project.
I’m glad to see a strong performance management tool in the ASF
—— Adrian Cole, OpenZipkin lead
“SkyWalking has grown remarkably quickly in a short period of time,
and it’s no wonder why: it doesn’t just implement a distributed
tracing system, but actually focuses on important workflows and the
end-user experience. This is as important as it is rare for
open-source monitoring technology, and suggests great things to come
for the project. SkyWalking has also been supportive of OpenTracing
and contributed valuable use cases and ideas to the standard. ”
—— Ben Sigelman
Author of Google Dapper Paper
CNCF OpenTracing co-creator
“随着敏捷开发、DevOps 和云技术的发展,越来越多的公司和团队将选择云化的 DevOps。而 SkyWalking 作为面向 cloud
native 和容器化的分布式追踪系统,是 Ops 中的重要一环。期待 SkyWalking 加入 Apache 后,变得更加强大和成熟,更好的支撑高效的云端 DevOps。”
—— 徐峰, 华为软件开发云 CTO
“很高兴看到 SkyWalking 加入 Apache 孵化器。从当当开源 APM 的选型开始一直在关注 SkyWalking,它轻量、简洁、可扩展性强且社区开放,运营充满活力。祝 SkyWalking 早日毕业。”
—— 张亮, 当当架构部总监
“随着微服务,云原生等技术架构的普遍使用,应用规模和节点数量越来越多,应用间的依赖复杂度也越来越高,因此 APM(应用性能监控)的需求也愈发强烈,幸运的是,有像 SkyWalking 这样的优秀的开源 APM 产品问世,让很多公司享受到了开源 APM 的红利,更好的了解和监控到应用服务的质量,提升业务的稳定性。SkyWalking 加入 Apache 孵化器以后,相信会有更多的公司和个人加入进来,祝 Skywalking 越来越壮大!”
—— 王超, 京东金融资深技术架构师
“首先恭喜 SkyWalking 能够加入到 Apache 孵化器,我从 2015 年就开始关注第一版的诞生,二年来 SkyWalking 功能越来越完善,社区也越来越活跃,同时我也正在公司内部推广 SkyWalking 并得到大家一致好评。祝 SkyWalking 越来越强大。”
—— 程超, 爱农智惠支付首席技术专家
“当我听说 SkyWalking 被 ASF 全票通过进入 Apache 孵化器时,我感到了无比地自豪,因为这是一个源自中国的开源应用性能追踪系统,而且毫无疑问在我看来是国内最好的。作为这个项目的受益者之一,我代表我们团队恭喜吴晟,感谢背后强大的战队。”
—— 朱清,冰鉴科技信息技术部总监
我们已经开始进行 SkyWalking 5.0 的研发工作,新版本将会全面的完善功能,使 SkyWalking 成为一个完整的 APM 系统。5.0 版本预计于 2018 年 2 月发布,让我们共同期待吧。