为期三天的 QCon 旧金山会议日程安排已经确定!QCon 是 InfoQ 举办的企业软件开发会议,组织了超过 80 项议程和 70 名主讲人。QCon 是专为团队领袖、架构师和项目管理人员而设计的会议。去年的 QCon SF 吸引了将近 500 名与会者。您可以通过许多与会者的博客了解 QCon SF,也可以在本站观看过去的一些会议记录。
- Being Agile
- Cloud Computing: The Web as a platform
- Effective design and Clean code
- RIA in the real world: The Evolution of the Client
- Ruby for the Enterprise
- Alternatives in the .NET Space: Open Source, Frameworks and Languages
- DSLs in Practise
- Java Emerging Technologies
- RESTFul Web Integration in Practice
- Scaling Agility
- Architectures you’ve always wondered about
- Data Storage Rethinking: Document Oriented Distributed Databases
- Domain Driven Design
- Functional and Concurrent Programming Languages Applied
- Fearless Change: Introducing New Ideas , Linda Rising
- Building Modular Applications with the SpringSource Application , Rob Harrop
- Cloud Computing for Developers and Architects , Stuart Charlton
- Practical Erlang Programming , Francesco Cesarini
- Getting started with JRuby and JRuby on Rails , Ola Bini & Nick Sieger
- The Zen of Agile Management , David Anderson
- Hibernate , Nicolas Brasseur
- Domain Specific Languages , Neal Ford & Martin Fowler & Rebecca Parsons
9 月 30 日前报名,三天会议的费用是$1795,以后每45 天加价一次。团体报名有折扣。到时见!